Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Forget the pink... it's a BOY!

First, let me apologize for the several week hiatus.   To say it's been a busy and crazy last few weeks is an understatement!  Between traveling back to the states to see Brian and the family, and getting ready to say a final 'Tschuss' to Germany,  I've been quite preoccupied.  Please bear with me as I try to recollect some of the big events from the last month or so!  Without a doubt, the biggest surprise I received came at my 22wk OB appointment...

I had the appointment just before flying back to the states, to make sure that everything was hunky-dory before getting on a 7 hour flight.  They did my glucose screening early that morning (everything was normal) and I had a 4 hour wait before my 'regular' appointment was scheduled.  Thankfully, they were not too busy, and were able to fit me in for the regular check-up right away, as opposed to having to return to the hospital in 4 hours.  The doctor who was able to see me was not my regular OB, but another very nice German fellow, who also spoke English incredibly well.

I may have mentioned this before, but one of my very favorite things with the care here in Germany, is that you get an ultrasound at every monthly appointment.  This time, the new doctor asked if I'd like to know the sex of the baby.  I told him that a month prior, I had an appointment and Brian and I were told that it was a girl... but that he was more than welcome to go back and check!  Boy am I glad he did!  After a few seconds of moving the ultrasound wand around my belly, he pauses... looks at me... looks back at the screen... and says (in a heavy accent):  "That is definitely NOT a girl!!!"

I looked at the screen and it did not take me long to realize he was right! He said that the crazy gummy bear was probably moving too much during the last appointment to get a clear shot.  I was shocked!  I think I even asked him if there were two babies in there (one boy and one girl)!  He reassured me that there was just one baby, and that we were, without a doubt, going to be parents to a son.

I asked for a print of the picture on the screen (clearly highlighting "the goods") so I could show it to Brian when I got to the states.  I now wish someone, anyone, had been at that appointment with me... the look on my face must have been priceless!  We had spent the past 5 weeks with the mindset that it was a girl.... granted I hadn't bought that many purple outfits and bows, but with the Spring Bazaar on base the week prior, I definitely walked away with a fair amount of stuff that will now be re-gifted to friends or saved for a future baby girl Morrissey.  I'm all about gender neutral stuff for sure, and he can wear whatever he wants, but I'm not going to willingly dress him in a dirndl this Oktoberfest instead of lederhosen!  :)

So that was a huge surprise... it's a boy!  I called Brian at around 5am in the states to tell him the news.... he was obviously shocked as well.  Now that we've had several weeks to let the news sink in (and another ultrasound at 27 weeks to confirm), we're finally adjusted to the idea that it's a boy!  We would be thrilled either way, for sure... so there was no disappointment when we found out--- just lots of surprise!   We've had a great time the last few weeks adjusting the items on our registry and telling family and friends.  The time until he arrives is flying by... it's hard to believe that in a little over two months, our son will be here!

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